Finding Distinctive Gifts: Framed Nature Prints

You get an invitation in the mail to yet another wedding or baby shower. And you wonder how you’ll select a distinctive gift that helps celebrate the occasion and make it memorable for the person being celebrated. Framed nature prints offer an ideal present idea for people of all ages for any occasion.

Whether you’re shopping for men, women or children, here’s why they’ll always remember you fondly if you gift them a nature print.

nature prints

Framed Nature Prints as Gifts

Gift-giving is challenging. You want to give someone a useful present but also something unique that they're unlikely to receive five of during big occasions, such as landmark birthdays or wedding showers.

So if you’re looking for the perfect gift for any occasion, here’s why you might think about purchasing art for their home.

Birthday Gifts

You probably get invited to many birthday parties each year. Coming up with creative and unique gift ideas for each one can be challenging.

Instead of wrapping up something different for every party this year, consider purchasing a few nature prints you can give to the various people in your life, including friends, family and coworkers.

Nature prints offer an ideal present idea for people of all ages, meaning you can take the guesswork out of gift-giving by having a go-to present no matter who the party is for.

Baby Shower Presents

How many onesies can a babywear? Baby showers are fun and exciting, but to some extent, purchasing another sleeper or cute outfit might simply be too much for parents to house and store long-term.

Decorating a baby's room with nature prints can make the room gender-neutral, which is especially nice for baby showers where the parents are keeping the baby a surprise. Adding a print of a doe and her fawn can be a sweet way to decorate the nursery and start instilling a passion for the outdoors in the little one.

Plus, you won’t have to make a special trip to a baby store to purchase your baby shower present. You can shop the Heidi Joy nature print collection when it is most convenient for you.

Wedding Gifts

While the happy couple likely has a wedding registry or a honeymoon fund, you might want to gift them something more personal. Nature prints are a great way to mix the décor from her place and his place to make it feel more like "our place."

These neutral art pieces are appealing to most people and offer a calming setting. Whether the couple uses it to decorate a home office or add charm to a living room, they’ll certainly love this unique wedding present.


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House Warming Presents

Welcoming a new neighbor or celebrating a loved one who purchases a home is a fun celebration. But should you take a bottle of wine and some cookies? Or would it be better to support their new home with some distinctive artwork that they’ll enjoy and appreciate long term?

Nature prints offer a way for the new homeowner to remember how excited they felt when they first moved in and carry that feeling throughout their time as a homeowner. And they’ll remember how you made them feel when they first took ownership of their new home. Help them feel settled and comfortable with artwork that will transform their new house into a home.

Holiday Greetings

In November and December, people begin making lists of presents to purchase for important people in their lives. These lists are often long and require hours of shopping and wrapping and sometimes even shipping those presents.

The good news is, that there is an outstanding option for gift-giving this holiday season. A nature calendar from Heidi Joy helps prepare people for the New Year. And it’s perfect for everyone from your child’s teacher to your boss. So you can check off dozens of people on your holiday gift list with one simple website visit.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

What do you buy for someone who has it all? Children often face this question in May and June when Mother’s Day and Father’s Day come around. You want to honor these special people in your life, but you just aren’t sure what to buy.

Instead of flowers and chocolates that will only last so long, offer mom or dad artwork to beautify their home. And with nature prints, you don’t have to capture their style or worry too much about getting the right piece. Nature is universally appealing and can provide some calming, enjoyable effects for people once it is inside their homes.

Get Well Soon

Learning about a diagnosis or illness of a loved one is challenging. And you might be faced with the question of what you can do for them, especially if they live far away. 

Nature prints can provide a calming effect in a room to help people feel better and more at ease. So instead of sending another greeting card, consider a nature print with a meaningful message that the loved one can read, hang and enjoy long term. Even once they’ve made a full recovery, the nature print will be a useful decoration.

nature prints

Benefits of Giving Nature Prints as Gifts

Gift-giving can be challenging. But once you find a go-to gift, you'll start gifting with incredible ease. Here's a look at some of the benefits of giving nature prints as gifts.

  • Ideal for any occasion

  • Offers a calming effect in the home

  • Can cheer someone up

  • Provides long-term benefits, unlike consumable presents

  • Delights recipients of all ages

  • Neutral subject matter everyone loves

  • Is something that the person can look at every day and think of you

  • Shows you care enough to provide a unique present

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Supports the local economy

  • Shows support for the art community

  • Is an affordable, yet unique gift idea

Some people believe that art is too expensive to consider for a casual gift. However, don’t believe that. You can support local artists with gift purchases of $25-$100. The local artist will appreciate your support and you’ll get a gift that’s ideal for a variety of occasions.

You can choose whether to purchase framed art prints or to allow the gift recipient to add their style with their personal frame preferences. Plus, deciding between a frame or no frame can aid you in meeting your gift-giving budget.

The size of the artwork will also dictate how affordable it is. Smaller prints are great for kitchens, bathrooms and children’s rooms. So if you’re looking for something special to give a new neighbor, feel free to purchase a smaller piece of art that they can display in one of these locations.

When you purchase artwork from Heidi Joy, you’re investing in the work of an artist. You can choose from a variety of nature settings and whether you want a framed piece or just the nature print. Shop the collection now to start planning your distinctive gift giving.


Discover Nature Gifts


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