Changing Perspective

I don't know about you, but this month is just hard. It's the middle of winter, there's not a lot of sunshine here in the midwest, and schooling has kind of tired us all out. You know what I mean? We need some refreshment. Something that switches our focus from our struggles, our everyday tasks, and honestly, ourselves. You know what works for me? - other than a vacation ;)  Just getting outside! Simple. I'm sure there's some sciency explanation behind that, but I'm not your girl there.Now, I purchased this little macro lens to attach to my phone a couple weeks ago. And it is wonderful! It's not perfect, but it's enough to help me (and the kids) see things that we would otherwise look right past. There is so much beauty if we just pause long enough to see it. And in pausing, we are slowing down, looking outside of ourselves, and appreciating texture, newness, color, and life, where we thought there was none. Try it! I dare you not to feel refreshed!

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