My Favorite Gluten Free Chocolate Cake : I Dare Say It's the Best

After a simple reference to gluten free chocolate cake on Instagram the other day, it was obvious you guys trust my cake opinions. I kid you not, it is thee best. But {shhhh} it's gluten free, and  you're gonna love it even if you don't eat gluten-free! Guys, it's EASY. It's QUICK. It's Fabulous. You'll be looking for an excuse to make it. It's THAT good. But don't hate me. It's a mix.As a cake decorator in my earlier years, it was a struggle for me to make the dietary switch when it became necessary for my children. I had to let go of the days of smooth fondant, the pretty gum paste flowers, and all the vibrant colors. (I'm totally at peace with it now.)  But I wasn't willing to give up on baking my children a special delicious cake for their birthdays. Let me tell ya, I tasted / made / threw away a LOT of crappy "gluten free" cakes, until I happened upon this amazing mix. I have a few others in my arsenal too, but when someone in the fam choses chocolate, I reach in my pantry for one of these babies because I always keep them on hand. I like to order a four pack from Amazon because it's cheaper and I know we'll go through them.

Gluten Free Chocolate Cake:

Just follow the recipe on the back. I believe all you need to add is a couple of eggs, oil, and water. In case you're wondering, this also works great for cupcakes.


Now, just like shoes make the outfit, frosting makes the cake. My almond buttercream frosting is what my family enjoys paired with this chocolate treat.2 cups of butter: We use Earth Balance because we dairy free too. If not, Kerry Gold is a delicious alternative.2-3 cups powdered sugar1 Tbs vanilla extract1 Tbs almond extractAnd there you have it. I like to keep my finished product in the fridge until just before serving. The frosting keeps better, and there's just something about this delicousness when it's a bit chilled.Go ahead a pin this for later. You know be looking for a reason to bake it ;)Enjoy!Heidi


Gluten Free Valentine Sugar Cookies


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