Perspective: When hard seasons make you see more clearly

tip of blue spruce standing tall in front of blue sky

tip of blue spruce standing tall in front of blue sky

Perspective. It doesn’t take many sick days to get a new one. As I bounced between taking temperatures, medicating, and caring for feverish boys today, the Lord gave me a new perspective on this season.

Spring in Minnesota can be mentally exhausting. The end of the school year can be tiring. I’ve been feeling so defeated and board with our school days, and today the Lord has given me a little ‘heart check.’ As my sick kiddos ask how I’M doing, taking care of their aching bodies, and thanking me repeatedly because they know I’m not feeling my best either, I saw the difference in where my heart was and where it needs to be.It was a beautiful, gentle reminder. A reminder that I’m not in this homeschool gig for their education, (I mean, it has to be part of it, right?) but, it’s more about their hearts (and mine too.)


At the end of the day, the measure of my success is not how much we got done, whether or not they aced their spelling words, and flew through their math lesson un-aided, how cute their art lesson looks or dare I say, how pretty my Instagram pic was. Rather, the measure of success should be how well I have helped them see and respond to God’s direction in their lives. Seeing my children develop hearts of service and thoughtfulness toward others, especially in times of sickness, is a measurable goal. And a refreshing perspective for this tired mama.

So, I'm starting the new week with a fresh perspective and a renewed spirit for the hearts of my children. Who’s with me?


My Testimony of God's Faithfulness


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