Remember Thanksgiving?

What happened?! School started. The weather cooled. We went trick-or-treating, and then before we were finished with our candy, our community exploded into full on Christmas! Don't get me wrong, I love the Christmas season and I'm the first one to  decorate, but … after Thanksgiving.Not only as an individual, but as a society, we have SO MUCH to be thankful for. Shame on us for looking beyond that one day set aside to remember and acknowledge that. Well, that's gonna change. At least it is in my family. This year I really made a conscious effort to teach the kiddos about Thanksgiving. We read books on our American history. We talked about the trip on the Mayflower, the struggle and loss of life, the effort it took to settle on new land, and finally the big feast shared by the pilgrims and Indians  (even reinacting it with our gluten/dairy free version). I re-learned an awful lot ;)Then we spent some much needed time with family. And boy do we pack a lot of fun in. I mean come on, you've gotta believe that the pilgrims and Indians had fun too (after all that hard work)! We just do it in an updated way ;)  So, next year, I challenge you to look forward to celebrating the season of giving thanks. Don't just let it 'slide' by. Remember Thanksgiving.Here's the fam doing a little celebrating,  Johnson style…


And the Gift Goes On

