Resurrection Sunday

  The older I get, the more I love Easter. I mean, what a reason to celebrate!!! Christ arose! Halelujah, Christ arose!! A Love like none other. Freedom in Christ. Hope for our future.
  So celebrate we did! We packed a lot in, because that's how we roll ;)  We started out the morning at church. (Well, actually in the back yard for a few photos before everyone messed their hair, added grass stains to their pants, and got boogers on their shirts ;)  Then we hunted for Easter baskets, had dinner with the Eitreim clan, played at the park, and had some good old fashioned (minus the Queens' Bohemian Rapsody song choice) family time. Oh, the memories we created! Let me show you ;)

We call this the cupcake dress. My Grandma Johnson made it for me when I was a little girl. I always wore a cupcake pin on the left shoulder. My mom saved it and passed it down to Elsa, but only after she found almost an exact replica of my cupcake pin, chocolate frosting and all. So fun to dress her this day!
Somebody found their Easter basket!
Thank you for the Easter gifts Aunt Nancy! Good picks ;)
Taking inventory
Uncle Greg's manager
More hunting
So, he might take after me a little - - Never, ever, ever take a second trip.
The three girls :)

Despite being tired, one always has enough energy to enjoy some tasty treats.
Catching up on birthdays between the cousins
In true Eitreim fashion, we made music. We started out on the weirdest 'Easter' song ever, but we ended on a good note, Christ Arose. :)

My Big Boy Turns 8


Do Hard Things